Hey there, my scrappy friends:) Lizzy with you today ~ I've got another Off The Page project - & my mate Sandra will be happy to know, it's also USEFUL!!
It's my version of a Birthday Book - a place to not only record birthdays, but a place to hold those cards I've made for them, as well:)
Here's what I mean:
And here's what this started out in life as:
After covering with gesso, I added some ripped up paper to give some bulk, texture & 'tooth' to the plastic folder cover....on the insides I've used some gold paint to cover the red, & left it plain. On the back cover I added some of the papers I got in my Zeus & Zoe store kit, along with this fun woodgrain washi that's peeping out of the top, also from the store.
For the front cover, I randomly ripped up some LOVELY 'Hershey's' vintage paper, then applied it using Gel Medium.
I 'softened' the edges with some more gesso, then added some gold mica flakes through a mask...
Lovely, lovely glitter!!! Then came some stamping - I thought some numbers were appropriate for a birthday book! For behind the title I added some plasterer's tape & some Tattered Angels Glimmer Mist [also in my Shop kit]:

Under the title I added a 'ripped' lady & placed her over the tape.....she seemed to 'fit' - I used a bit of gold paint to smear around the edges, so she sort of 'faded' into the whole cover. Here it is all finished:
This is FLAT mixed media work, as the book is really thick anyways, with the cards it holds - I was really, really happy with how it turned out!
I hope you enjoyed taking a peek at this - & it might just give you an idea for your own 'birthday book'!!!
I hope you enjoyed taking a peek at this - & it might just give you an idea for your own 'birthday book'!!!
Happy Scrapping ~ Lizzy ♥♥♥