
Sunday, March 16, 2014

Wedding Album Cover

I survived the international move to Germany. We now have a house. Our belongings are still at sea, which means my scrap goodies are somewhere on the Atlantic Ocean. I admit that my carry-on luggage contained my laptop and scrap supplies.

Only having a carry-on's amount of supplies makes me feel like I have the bare minimum with me.  I am working with what I brought and a kit to which  I subscribe, which was the first piece of mail that I have received at my new address.  I don't have any punches, or my die cutter, or my Distrezz-It-All. I'm roughing it!

I have managed to make something while enduring my spartan scrap conditions.

I was inspired by this cameo that I received in my goody box from Zeus and Zoe. I added the beads  (using the mending kit from my hotel room) to the bottom of the lace.  The bride is also from Zeus and Zoe; she came from a vintage book on style. 

This album, obviously not yet complete, will be a wedding present for a special person in my life.  So, please, don't tell her!


Does anyone watch Downton Abbey?  Does this vintage bride remind anyone else of Edith, or is it just me?


  1. I am amaza-gobbed at your creativity in VERY dire scrapping circumstances....this is just GORGEOUS, wonder that cameo caught your've created such a luscious vintage piece...LOOOOOVE!!!! Hope your 'babiees' [ie, scrapping stuff] come home to 'mama' soon!!!!

  2. Yessssssss Edith!!!!!!!!! wow... great job in your spartan conditions!!! I love that you used the mending kit. I hope ALLLLLLLLLL your supplies arrive shortly!

  3. I hope you're having fun in Germany Lee! I love what you did to the album cover! Beautiful! Thanks!!


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