
Friday, September 27, 2013

Upcylced: Altered Sunglasses Zeus & Zoe Style!

Hola! Craft Buddies

This month we had a theme of Vintage Romance, and on our mood board there were tons of frilly lace. So I decided to upcycle a pair of sunglasses with a vintage romance twist. When I think vintage my mind automatically thinks cremes and beige's as well as pearls. So I used a frilly beige trim paired with some pearls and put it along the top perimeter of the sunglasses.To add a bit of romance I used small touches of peach, by adding my DIY rolled lace  flowers on each side. To finish it off I added an old chain and pearl  necklace with an Art~I~Cake charm attached giving it  some of that 'Madame Ro edge'. Check it out!

 I had a blast upcycling this project. I hope you will give this a try, its super easy and super simple.

Check out my Youtube video for the tutorial. Thanks for sharing your time with  me.


Madame Ro

1 comment:

  1. So cool Rochelle!! You look great too!! Thank you so much!


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